Thursday, April 26, 2007

My Webkin carrying case

I finished this on the 14 of April and it just turned out great! I designed it myself. :)


CelticCastOn said...

you did a fantastic job Faith! Perfect for summer!

Faith said...

Thanks it was really easy! :)

marit said...

hi,Faith, that bag looks so cool! Nice work.
Marit in Norway

Faith said...

Thanks! :)

kat said...

turned out really cute, i like the pink!

marit said...

Hi, Faith! I've tagged you for a little game- more info on my blog- but make sure your mom approves of it, okay?
Marit in Norway

Heidi said...
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Faith said...

Hi Marit! I don't even know 8 bloggers! hee hee!

Anonymous said...

love this pet carrier and i had to blog it...